Co-creation with Various Initiatives

Under our Mission of "Bringing value to life," we are proactively taking part in international initiatives for
contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Major Initiatives in Which the Group Participates
Organization Name
Theme Overview

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

Climate Change/Decarbonization

July 2020

A non-profit organization established to promote decarbonization in international shipping. It is engaged in research and development on energy-efficiency improvement, alternative fuels, compliance with regulations, and targets for ships.

Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI)


May 2021
*The first Japanese company

The SRTI is an information-disclosure platform that aims to improve the transparency of ship-dismantling processes and provide appropriate information to stakeholders such as shippers, banks, investment institutions, and insurance companies. On the SRTI website, participating shipowners, shippers, and investment institutions worldwide voluntarily disclose their policies and the implementation status of their own ship dismantling.

Japan Climate Initiative

Climate Change/Decarbonization

September 2018

A network for enhancing information dissemination and exchanging opinions among proactive companies, local governments, NGOs, and others working on climate change mitigation measures. (In November 2021, an event hosted by the same initiative was held within COP26, where we shared our efforts toward achieving a decarbonized society by 2050.)

Challenge Zero

Climate Change/Decarbonization

March 2020

A new initiative in which the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), in collaboration with the Japanese government, strongly promotes and supports the innovative actions of companies and organizations domestically and internationally for achieving a "decarbonized society," which is positioned as a long-term goal by the Paris Agreement, an international framework for climate change mitigation.
(NYK is a "Zero Emission Challenge Company," a project in partnership with Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Keidanren, and NEDO.)

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Climate Change/Decarbonization

May 2019
*Declaration of support of final recommendations in December 2018.

A platform for companies, financial institutions, and other stakeholders endorsing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to collaborate and promote efforts that facilitate effective information disclosure by companies and ensure that disclosed information is utilized for informed investment decision-making by financial institutions.
International Shipping GHG Zero Emission Project Climate Change/Decarbonization

August 2018

A project by Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) that comprehensively examines technology development challenges necessary to enhance Japan's competitive advantage while assessing global future trends in energy efficiency and decarbonization. The project also considers international standards and incentive systems in light of their impacts on the market. It compiles the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and work plans to strategically promote these efforts. (In collaboration with the maritime industries, including shipping, shipbuilding, and marine industries, as well as research institutions and public agencies, a roadmap towards zero emissions in international shipping was formulated and released in March 2020 and March 2022.)

Getting to Zero Coalition

Climate Change/Decarbonization

October 2019
*The first Japanese shipping company

An industry coalition established in October 2018 to promote decarbonization in the maritime sector. It aims to achieve commercial operations of zero-emission fuel-powered vessels on international shipping routes by 2030 to meet the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). (In September 2021, NYK endorsed the coalition "Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization," a proposal urging action by governments worldwide.)

Global CCS Institute

Climate Change/Decarbonization

July 2021

An international think tank established to promote the global utilization of Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. NYK is also a member of the CO2 Shipping Working Group.

Hydrogen Council


July 2020
*The first shipping company

The world's first and only international council launched at the Davos Conference (World Economic Forum) in January 2017 and dedicated to the global proliferation of hydrogen. The council aims to accelerate investment in the hydrogen fuel and fuel cell sectors and achieve the development and implementation of appropriate policies and action plans.

Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)


December 2020

A council that discusses the major strategic directions for achieving a hydrogen society in collaboration with various stakeholders.

Clean Fuel Ammonia Association


In April 2019, NYK joined the predecessor organization called the Green Ammonia Consortium (GAC). In June 2021, NYK became a board member in the same association. Additionally, an NYK executive officer delivered keynote speeches at the International Conference on Fuel Ammonia in 2021 and 2022.

An organization (incorporated association) that is working on the early establishment of the value chain from the supply to the utilization of CO2-free ammonia through activities such as technology development and evaluation, economic assessment, policy recommendations, and international collaboration.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)


August 2018

An environmental conservation organization that is working towards the recovery of rapidly declining biodiversity richness and the achievement of a decarbonized society to mitigate global warming. The organization focuses on the conservation of rare wildlife and the promotion of sustainable production and consumption.
Japan Business Federation Biodiversity Declaration Biodiversity

December 2019

An initiative that promotes the dissemination and introduction of logos, future action plans, and case studies of companies and organizations that are engaged in multiple items or aligned with the overall spirit of the "Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration and Action Guidelines (Revised Version)." These initiatives are communicated and showcased through a dedicated website (available in Japanese and English).
Japan and Biodiversity Partnership of the Japan Business Federation Biodiversity

October 2010

A federation that serves as the main body for the "Biodiversity Private Sector Initiative," which promotes private sector engagement in implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity. The federation is required to engage in initiatives contributing to biodiversity and to actively practice and promote activities aligned with the action guidelines aimed at improving those initiatives and achieving their objectives.
ANEMONE Consortium Biodiversity

June 2022

NYK joined as an initiating member in June 2022. Established with 13 founding members, including companies, NGOs, and academic societies, and led by Tohoku University, the initiative aims to achieve a society in harmony with nature by utilizing the large-scale environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring network called 'ANEMONE' (All Nippon eDNA Monitoring Network).

30% Club Japan


January 2022

The "30% Club" is a global campaign established in the UK in 2010 to increase the representation of women in key decision-making bodies, including corporate boards. Its Japanese branch, "30% Club Japan," operates under the belief that a healthy gender balance in decision-making bodies contributes to the sustainable growth and enhanced international competitiveness of companies. With a target to achieve a 30% representation of women on the boards of TOPIX100 companies by 2030, the initiative garnered membership from 35 companies as of May 2023.



April 2023

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of approximately 200 CEOs from companies aiming for sustainable development to foster collaboration among businesses to contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society.

Global Maritime Forum


August 2022

Established in July 2017 (formerly Danish Maritime Forum), the organization actively engages various stakeholders, including customers, with a focus on the shipping industry, to drive initiatives within the industry for addressing a wide range of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues, including decarbonization.

Sustainable Ocean Principles


June 2022
*The first Japanese company

The framework of a responsible business organization, published by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in September 2019, recognizing the urgent need to protect and restore the deteriorating oceans due to factors such as rising temperatures, acidification, depletion of natural resources, and pollution from land and sea. It aligns with the 14th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), "Life Below Water."

GX League

Climate Change/Decarbonization

Agreed to the basic plan in April 2022.
Joined in May 2023.

A platform where companies, government agencies, and universities came together and committed to achieving sustainable growth in the current and future society, with the goal of realizing carbon neutrality by 2050. The organizations collaborate in pursuing challenges towards Green Transformation (GX) and engage in practical efforts to transform the economic and social systems and create new markets.


Climate Change/Decarbonization

July 2023

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation is a non-profit organization that supports decarbonization in the maritime industry, aiming to achieve or surpass the 2030 and 2050 targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Human Capital Management Consortium

Human Resource

August 2022

Established in August 2022, with a total of seven initiators, including Kunio Ito, the director of the CFO Education and Research Center at Hitotsubashi University, the organization aims to promote human capital management in Japanese companies through the sharing of advanced case studies on the practice of human capital management, discussions on inter-company collaboration, and the enhancement of both practice and disclosure. As of May 2023, 436 corporations were participating in this initiative.
Methane Abatement in Maritime Innovation Initiative(MAMII) Climate Change/Decarbonization/Maritime

September 2023

An initiative led by Safetytech Accelerator Limited, a non-profit organization established by Lloyd's Register to measure and assess methane emissions from LNG-fueled vessels, share knowledge on how to reduce methane emissions among participating companies, and support the introduction of technologies.

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Forum (TNFD Forum)


December 2023

A forum through which reports and seminars provide the latest information from TNFD, an international organization that has developed a framework for private companies and financial institutions to assess and disclose risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity.

North Pacific Green Corridor Consortium

Climate Change/Decarbonization

April 2024

A non-profit consortium established to decarbonize supply chains between Canada and Japan/Korea

Smart Freight Centre

Climate Change

April 2024

A non-profit organization, based in Amsterdam, to work to promote global warming countermeasures by visualizing the impact of rising GHG emissions, making proposals for emission reductions.

Nature Positive Sustainable Development Hub


April 2024

An industry-government-academia project that aims to transform society through the restoration of nature by "visualizing" its value, integrating nature into the economy, and developing human resources. Tohoku University is leading the project, and 26 companies and organizations, including NYK, are participating.