Continuing to Evolve ESG Management

In the medium-term management plan, "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 - A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing," announced in March 2023, the NYK Group clearly stated its intention to promote a growth strategy with ESG at its core.
We will keep pursuing our goal of becoming a Sustainable Solution Provider, which is essential to both society and industry, by thoroughly considering ESG yardsticks and economic yardsticks. If rigorous analysis based on ESG yardsticks reveals that a business will help the NYK Group to remain essential to society, we will focus management resources -- namely, talent, assets, investments, and data -- on that business over the long term. We are confident that this approach will enable growth in the Group's corporate value by differentiating our existing businesses, creating new business fields, enhancing our brand, and heightening employees' job satisfaction and pride.

Sustainable Solution Provider
More Information:

Framework for Promoting ESG Management

In April 2020, we established a framework for ESG management promotion led by the president to extract our ESG issues, set specific goals, and encourage further action. From April 2023, we have established the ESG Strategy Headquarters and set up the ESG Management Group and Decarbonization Group within the headquarters. We have also renamed the conventional ESG Management Promotion Committee as the ESG Strategy Committee to promote more frequent and specific discussions. The committee is composed of executive officers representing each division and an external expert. A wide range of ESG-related themes are discussed strategically, including setting overall company policies and goals and progress checks on action plans determined by each division. The ESG Strategy Headquarters will report to the Management Meeting and Board of Directors.

Framework for Promoting ESG Management (As of April 1, 2023)

Framework for Promoting ESG Management (As of April 1, 2023)

ESG Management Committee Activity Report (FY2021 - 2022)

Fiscal Number of meetings Main Agenda Items
fiscal 2021 Four times
  • Decision to participate in the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative*1
  • Discussion for setting Groupwide KPIs*2
  • Announcement of a declaration on net-zero GHG emissions for oceangoing businesses
  • NYK Group ESG Story 2022
fiscal 2022 Four times
  • Content review for TCFD Report
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Discussion for GHG reduction
  • Report of Engagement survey
  1. *1A platform for enhancing the transparency of disclosure on ship recycling
  2. *2When evaluating the performance of an organization, key performance indicators enable quantitative measurement of its degree of attainment of strategic goals. The ESG Management Committee sets Groupwide numerical targets for ESG management and measures progress.

ESG Strategy Committee Activity Plan (FY2023-)

Fiscal Number of meetings Main Agenda Items
fiscal 2023 Twelve times
  • Discussion for Material issue
  • Review of SDG comparison table
  • Disclosure of sustainability information in annual securities report
  • Result of Groupwide KPIs and status of efforts

The ESG Management Approach Spreading Groupwide

ESG management has begun to steadily spread not only in the company but also throughout the entire NYK Group. Multiple Group companies in Japan and overseas have begun to consider initiatives to advance ESG management.
In fact, NYK is strengthening coordination with Group companies. In addition to in-person discussions through regular meetings of domestic Group company presidents, the Company maintains good communication channels between the head office and overseas Group companies as well as among overseas Group companies, mainly through utilization of the Regional Management Offices established at business sites in the Americas, Europe, East Asia, and South Asia. Moreover, as a result of the widely changing global business environment, NYK has established region heads and country heads as new positions to deepen the NYK Group's regional strategies and to more flexibly craft business activities within the regions in April 2022.
Conducting business globally, the NYK Group comprises Group companies with a variety of different business lines and scales in Japan and overseas. Going forward, regardless of business lines and scales, departments in charge at the head office and Group companies will continue collaborating closely to spread ESG management throughout the entire Group.

Initiatives for Promoting ESG Management Integration

The NYK Group will create a virtuous cycle in which employees adopt a long-term perspective and-with help of ESG yardsticks-address social issues through the differentiation of existing businesses, the expansion of new business fields, and investments. To provide foundations for initiatives, we have assigned ESG Navigators to each head office department. ESG Navigators act as catalysts and communicate the policies of the senior management team to these departments.
From fiscal 2023, we are restructuring our ESG Navigator system to transition up to the implementation stage of ESG management and actively exchange ESG information internally and externally.

ESG Navigator System

ESG Navigator System

ESG Navigators are responsible for advancing ESG management by supporting both top-down and bottom-up ESG initiatives in each department. Currently, 103 ESG Navigators, appointed by the general managers of departments, offices, and branches, are active in all 50 head office departments. We have borrowed the term “navigator” from the world of shipping, and we use the term in the sense of a second officer who is the chief navigator. An important task of the chief navigator (second officer) is to formulate voyage plans. In consultation with the captain, the chief navigator determines the route that the ship should take. Further, the chief navigator plays a central role in gathering and summarizing feedback from all crew members. We have chosen the title “ESG Navigator” because we want these personnel to advance ESG management at our offices by playing a role comparable with that of a chief navigator on board a ship. Specifically, ESG Navigators perform three key roles: discussing with the general managers of departments and offices how to establish routes that will take the departments to their target profiles; sharing the management team's ideas with all department members; and leading uninhibited exchanges of opinions among junior employees and vertically and laterally providing feedback from department members to other departments.

ESG Navigator Dialogues

ESG Navigators facilitate in-house information-sharing and provide opportunities for study sessions through these dialogues. The Navigators share examples of departments that have made good use of the ESG approach and provide sustainability-related updates on general social trends and specialized topics. In fiscal 2021, approximately 900 employees participated in 10 ESG Navigator dialogues. In fiscal 2022, approximately 830 employees participated in 10 ESG Navigator dialogues.
In fiscal 2023, these dialogues are continuing to implement initiatives that incorporate internal and external activities as well as social trends.

ESG Navigator Meetings

ESG navigators from each department gather and participate in free and open discussions about various ESG-related topics. Participants are divided into several small groups and make use of interactive communication to share issues and exchange opinions related to ESG management. This meeting accelerates promotion of ESG management integration among NYK Group through ESG Navigators.

ESG Information Dissemination

We have newly established an IT platform for our headquarters and group companies. Information and news related to ESG are regularly disseminated through IT platforms. By preparing a system for two-way information exchange, we are achieving timely information-sharing throughout the group.

Other Initiatives

  • e-Learning (ESG management, environment, antitrust law, etc.)
  • ESG training for new employees
  • ESG topics published in the group newsletter "Yusen" and other publications
  • External lectures by experts on ESG-related themes
  • Online lectures by external partners on community-related themes

Examples of Activities to Disseminate ESG Management

With the aim of disseminating ESG management, we are implementing numerous initiatives targeting Group employees in Japan and overseas.

Examples of Activities in Fiscal 2021 Onward

  Details Target Time Number of participants
Japan Two keynote lectures by Daigo Shimizu, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. For employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas 2021/7, 12 601 in total
In-house briefings on NYK Report 2021 (integrated report) For employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas 2021/10-11 387 in total
Townhall meetings with the president For employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas 2022/2 1,101 (online) + 176 (archive)
Townhall meetings with the executive officer in charge about NYK Group ESG Story 2022 For employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas 2022/3 Approx. 600
In-house briefings on NYK Report 2022 (integrated report) For employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas 2022/11 138 in total
Overseas Meetings at an assembly of Filipino crew members For crew members (mainly those in quarantine before boarding ships), their families, and related NYK Group personnel 2021/7 Approx. 1,000
Townhall meetings with the president in North America For employees of Group companies in the Americas 2022/4 Approx. 250
Online meetings for overseas offices on ESG topics For employees of Group companies in overseas 2023/1 840 in total